Sunday, November 29, 2015

The War On Drugs: How the “Land of the Free” Became the “Home of the Slaves” for 2.3 Million Americans

30th November 2015 By Cortland Pfeffer with Irwin Ozborne Guest Writers for Wake Up World “Prisoner number [XX]… It is time to go home.” The most beautiful words she had ever heard. She had dreamt about the day that phrase would be uttered for the past ten years. Today, she will get to see her daughter that has been ...Continue Reading - The War On Drugs: How the “Land of the Free” Became the “Home of the Slaves” for 2.3 Million Americans

Saturday, November 28, 2015

Research Shows Just 7 Minutes of Meditation Can Reduce Racial Prejudice

29th November 2015 By Christina Lavers Contributing Writer for Wake Up World “Hatred cannot coexist with loving-kindness, and dissipates if supplanted with thoughts based on loving-kindness.” ~ from the Dhammapada (Buddhist scripture) Science has just confirmed the Buddha’s teachings in a recent study published in the online journal ‘Motivation and Emotion’. The study, conducted by researchers ...Continue Reading - Research Shows Just 7 Minutes of Meditation Can Reduce Racial Prejudice

Love Waves In Our Hologram

29th November 2015 By Melissa Joy Jonsson Guest Writer for Wake Up World The greatest illusion in this world is the illusion of separation. Things you think are separate and different are actually one and the same. — Guru Pathik Often our individual and collective experiences are a result of fields with which we are knowingly ...Continue Reading - Love Waves In Our Hologram

Friday, November 27, 2015

Big Pharma and Medical Industry Dole Out $3.5 Billion in Kickbacks to Doctors and Teaching Hospitals

28th November 2015 By Carolanne Wright Contributing Writer for Wake Up World “It is scary how many similarities there are between this [pharmaceutical] industry and the mob.” ~ former Vice-President of Pfizer pharmaceuticals. The U.S. federal government has released disturbing data about the profiteering nature behind our medical system. Namely, a staggering 4.4 million payments made ...Continue Reading - Big Pharma and Medical Industry Dole Out $3.5 Billion in Kickbacks to Doctors and Teaching Hospitals

How GMO Foods Turn Your Intestines Into an Insecticide Factory

28th November 2015 By Marie Be Guest Writer for Wake Up World The rise of GMOs in our food supplies raises a variety of issues, from environmental degradation to nutrient depletion, dependency on toxic agro-chemicals and government corruption — many topics with lots of well sourced information. Often falling into the cracks is the effect of GM foods ...Continue Reading - How GMO Foods Turn Your Intestines Into an Insecticide Factory

Thursday, November 26, 2015

How Dying Can Change Your Life

25th November 2015 By Gavin Whyte Guest Writer for Wake Up World Okay, I know the title is a little odd but hear me out, because what I have to say about dying only makes living all the more incredible. We have been conditioned not to think about death and dying. If we do think ...Continue Reading - How Dying Can Change Your Life

US Government Places “Gag Order” on Weather Agency Employees, Inserts Geoengineering Propaganda into ‘Common Core’ Syllabus

27th November 2015 By Dane Wigington Guest Writers for Wake Up World Government Implements Illegal “Gag Order” on National Weather Service and NOAA Employees The power structure is beginning to panic as the public wakes up to the criminal climate engineering insanity. The growing police state is completely out of control and becoming unimaginably blatant ...Continue Reading - US Government Places “Gag Order” on Weather Agency Employees, Inserts Geoengineering Propaganda into 'Common Core' Syllabus

The GMO Cookie is Crumbling (The Time to Act Is NOW!)

27th November 2015 By Dr. Joseph Mercola Guest Writer for Wake Up World In March 2015, the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), which is the research arm of the World Health Organization (WHO), determined glyphosate, the active ingredient in Monsanto’s Roundup herbicide, to be a “probable carcinogen” (Class 2A). This determination was based ...Continue Reading - The GMO Cookie is Crumbling (The Time to Act Is NOW!)

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

City of Oakland Joins the Fight Against Monsanto, Sues for PCB Contamination

26th November 2015 By Carolanne Wright Contributing Writer for Wake Up World “Agrochemical giant Monsanto knowingly contaminated Oakland’s storm water and the San Francisco Bay with a highly toxic chemical for decades, a new lawsuit filed by the California city claims. Oakland wants the company to pay for the environmental cleanup.” [source] Municipalities in the U.S. ...Continue Reading - City of Oakland Joins the Fight Against Monsanto, Sues for PCB Contamination

Full Moon in Gemini – Finding Clarity in the Chaos

25th November 2015 By Simon Vorster and Jennifer Langstone Contributing Writer for Wake Up World As the energies on earth are rising to new heights, their polarities are creating more tension than ever before. Frustration, anger, conflicts and crises are being evoked during today’s Full Moon in Gemini, and it will be wise to practice techniques ...Continue Reading - Full Moon in Gemini – Finding Clarity in the Chaos

Celebrating Genocide – The Real Story of Thanksgiving

25th November 2015 By Irwin Ozborne Contributing Writer for Wake Up World Thanksgiving: Celebrating all that we have, and the genocide it took to get it. Thanksgiving is one of the most paradoxical times of the year. We gather together with friends and family in celebration of all that we are thankful for and express our ...Continue Reading - Celebrating Genocide – The Real Story of Thanksgiving

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Becoming Multidimensional – Entering the “Dreamspace”

25th November 2015 By Open Contributing Writer for Wake Up World There’s two ways of living your life: one, as if nothing is a miracle; two, as if everything is. We’re living in two world’s not one: the old is one of systems, logic and control, which strangles the juice out of life. It’s a ...Continue Reading - Becoming Multidimensional – Entering the "Dreamspace"

Monday, November 23, 2015

Reality Check: Proof U.S. Government Wanted ISIS to Emerge in Syria

24th November 2015 By Ben Swann Guest Writer for Wake Up World The world’s attention is fixed on Paris. France is a police state. There is concern over ISIS infiltrating Syrian refugees. And of course, the big question, how will the world rid itself of the Islamic State? But before you listen to one more politician ...Continue Reading - Reality Check: Proof U.S. Government Wanted ISIS to Emerge in Syria

Brazil’s Mining Dam Failure: a “Slow-Motion Environmental Catastrophe”

24th November 2015 By Carolanne Wright Contributing Writer for Wake Up World Nine people are dead, with an additional 19 unaccounted, following two iron ore mining dams bursting in Brazil’s Minas Gerais region. The town of Bento Rodrigues was completely destroyed by the 60 million cubic meters of toxic mud — the equivalent of 25,000 ...Continue Reading - Brazil's Mining Dam Failure: a “Slow-Motion Environmental Catastrophe”

The Great Work: Healing the World with Collective Meditation

23rd November 2015 By Roger Taylor BSc, BVSc, PhD Guest Writer for Wake Up World Collective meditation does have effects in the ‘real world’. We are living now in the age of Kali Yuga. According to Indo-Tibetan mythology, this is a time when iron birds fly in the air, and the life of the spirit falls ...Continue Reading - The Great Work: Healing the World with Collective Meditation

Sunday, November 22, 2015

i'm an aquarius and i have a crush on a scorpio. what do i do?? i can't talk to him but when i do i feel like the only girl in the world.

Hmm, honestly, I’m not the best for advice when it comes to Scorpios. My ex was one and let me tell you it was the best and the worst relationship I ever had. I couldn’t get his communication style, he never opened up, I never opened up. So IDK man, Scorpys are hard. I would say continue to try and talk to him, don’t push him to open up, understand that it’s going to be real hard as well. 

3 Steps to Changing the Future

23rd November 2015 By Paul Lenda Guest Writer for Wake Up World Seers, oracles, mystics… these are just some of the names given to those who were able to look through a window from the present into the future present. Operating using the vehicle of consciousness computing complex patterns, processes, and possibilities based on the unfolding ...Continue Reading - 3 Steps to Changing the Future

Saturday, November 21, 2015

We Must Reclaim True Environmentalism!

22nd November 2015 By Derrick Jensen & Lierre Keith Guest Writers for Wake Up World True environmentalism is not about making our rapacious and destructive industrialism a little more sustainable, but transforming humankind’s relationship with Earth and the life she sustains — for us to take our true place within, and as part of, the living ...Continue Reading - We Must Reclaim True Environmentalism!

More Than A Chemical Imbalance – Why Depression Cannot Be Cured By Medication Alone

22nd November 2015 By Steve Taylor Ph.D Guest Writer for Wake Up World A few months ago a friend asked me for some advice about his father, who was suffering from depression. After finding out that his father spent most of his time indoors, watching television, I told my friend about ecotherapy, which investigates the therapeutic ...Continue Reading - More Than A Chemical Imbalance – Why Depression Cannot Be Cured By Medication Alone

Wake Up World’s Facebook Page Has Been Hacked (Please share!)

To our dear readers, Wake Up World’s Facebook page has been hacked, and is temporarily offline. We’re confident we’ll be back online soon. In the meantime our website is still running like normal, so please come back and visit. You can also keep in touch via our free email newsletters or visit us on Google Plus and Twitter. We’ll see you back ...Continue Reading - Wake Up World's Facebook Page Has Been Hacked (Please share!)

Friday, November 20, 2015

Spiritless Humans

21st November 2015 By Montalk Guest Writer for Wake Up World Empty people. Puppet people. Cardboard cutouts. Drones. Organic Portals. Background characters. Why do these terms even exist? Because out of necessity they had to be invented by those who independently noticed the same puzzling phenomenon, one for which there is no official name: some ...Continue Reading - Spiritless Humans

Amalgam Fillings Release Mercury Vapor Into Your Body 24/7

21st November 2015 By Elisha McFarland Guest Writer for Wake Up World Research at the University of Calgary, Faculty of Medicine and other prominent medical schools, have demonstrated that mercury vapor continuously escapes from dental amalgams and 80 percent of this vapor is immediately absorbed through the lungs and into the bloodstream. Once in the blood, mercury vapor ...Continue Reading - Amalgam Fillings Release Mercury Vapor Into Your Body 24/7

Waking Up From Religion

21st November 2015 By Nanice Ellis Contributing Writer for Wake Up World Often our religious beliefs are handed down to us by family and culture, and by the time we are old enough to consciously choose, it’s too late because we are already brainwashed with pre-ordained beliefs that seem to be set in stone. Ideally, ...Continue Reading - Waking Up From Religion

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Wake Up World’s Facebook Page Has Been HACKED!! (Please share!)

To our dear readers, Wake Up World’s Facebook page has been hacked, and is currently offline. We are working to regain our access to the page and get it back online… but dealing with Facebook is not an easy process. If you know someone who works at Facebook and may be able to help, please contact Wake Up World HQ via ...Continue Reading - Wake Up World's Facebook Page Has Been HACKED!! (Please share!)

Effective Natural Remedies and Recipes for Cold and Flu Season

20th November 2015 By Raluca Schachter Contributing Writer for Wake Up World Have you ever wondered why it is that only some people become sick when exposed to a pathogen? Why don’t all the members of a group from work get sick, when a colleague – a sneezing, stuffy, coughing cold virus carrier – exposed ...Continue Reading - Effective Natural Remedies and Recipes for Cold and Flu Season

Conditioning and Belief as Perceptual Filters

20th November 2015 By Brendan D. Murphy Guest Writer for Wake Up World In light of the evidence available to us today through various spheres of investigation, philosophical materialism can justifiably be looked upon as an unconscious ego defence mechanism, a sort of superstition designed to preserve the individual’s limited conception of self at the expense ...Continue Reading - Conditioning and Belief as Perceptual Filters

Meditation for Inner and Outer Peace

20th November 2015 By Open Contributing Writer for Wake Up World In the wake of the saddening loss of life in Europe recently, I feel the most appropriate Openhand response is to encourage quiet internal reflection. The world is undergoing energetic realignment, which will always undermine the security of those who try to control our ...Continue Reading - Meditation for Inner and Outer Peace

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

The Psychopathy of Greed

19th November 2015 By Zen Gardner Contributing Writer for Wake Up World I always find it interesting that people blame corporate greed for our overall condition. Sure it’s a major factor at one level, but it’s just an obvious outcropping of something much, much deeper. Sadly not that many are willing to go there. That ...Continue Reading - The Psychopathy of Greed

10 High Protein Vegetarian Recipes

19th November 2015 By Dr. Edward Group Guest Writer for Wake Up World Vegetarians are often faced with one critical question by meat eaters, “Where do you get your protein?” The fact is, protein is abundant in plant foods, and while certain dietary deficiencies are common (but avoidable) among vegans and vegetarians, it’s possible to ...Continue Reading - 10 High Protein Vegetarian Recipes

COP 21: The United Nations’ Plan to Make Legally Binding “Climate Change” Laws Worldwide

19th November 2015 By Makia Freeman Contributing Writer for Wake Up World “I am ashamed of what climate science has become today. [The science] community is relying on an inadequate model to blame CO2 and innocent citizens for global warming in order to generate funding and to gain attention. If this is what ‘science’ has become today, ...Continue Reading - COP 21: The United Nations' Plan to Make Legally Binding "Climate Change" Laws Worldwide

Is Wi-Fi Killing Trees?

18th November 2015 By Carolanne Wright Contributing Writer for Wake Up World The health-damaging effects of wireless technology has been a hotly debated topic in scientific circles for years now. Linked with increased stress, brain fog, insomnia, cancer, lower sperm count, Alzheimer’s Disease, behavioral issues and developmental delays, many are questioning the daily use of ...Continue Reading - Is Wi-Fi Killing Trees?

The Paris Attacks: What You Need to Consider

18th November 2015 By Phillip J. Watt Guest Writer for Wake Up World In the late hours of Friday the 13th, 2015, a half a dozen locations in Paris suffered a series of coordinated attacks, reportedly carried out by the Islamic State (IS). 129 people have been killed and over 300 injured in attacks on six locations, which purposely ...Continue Reading - The Paris Attacks: What You Need to Consider

Synchrony: True Love and How To Let It Happen To You

18th November 2015 By Tomasz Kopec, MD Guest Writer for Wake Up World There was Granny who had a brace of flying ducks. They spent most of their time sitting and resting on a nearby shed watching the neighbourhood. Every now and then Granny would catch a duck for a dinner. She threw duck food ...Continue Reading - Synchrony: True Love and How To Let It Happen To You

Why Your Solidarity with Paris is Misguided

17th November 2015 By Claire Bernish The world at large — we — are in mourning. Again. Indeed, Paris is in mourning, again. For the second time in less than a year, we are all de facto Parisians, with Facebook profiles, casinos, and whole buildings draped in the blue, white, and red of the French flag. It is solidarity ...Continue Reading - Why Your Solidarity with Paris is Misguided

The Importance of Individuality On Your Path – This Is YOUR Day!

17th November 2015 By Open Contributing Writer for Wake Up World You’re an individual. You’re unique. And you have so very much to offer to life and the world. Sometimes in spiritual circles, I notice that in working to advance, there’s a perception that you should be like ‘this’, or that you should emulate some ...Continue Reading - The Importance of Individuality On Your Path – This Is YOUR Day!

25 Ways to Use Oregano Essential Oil for Health and Wellness

17th November 2015 By Gaye Levy Contributing Writer for Wake Up World Five years ago, if someone were to mention the use of oregano essential oil for health and wellness purposes I would have looked at them cross-eyed. Although well versed in the benefits of essential oils, for one reason or another, oregano essential oil was ...Continue Reading - 25 Ways to Use Oregano Essential Oil for Health and Wellness

A Million Cancer Deaths from Fukushima Expected in Japan, New Report Reveals

16th November 2015 By Sayer Ji Contributing Writer for Wake Up World A shocking new report defies the chronically underestimated impacts of the Fukushima’s triple meltdown on the risk of cancer in exposed populations, which does not just include Japan, but arguably the entire world.  A new report from Fairewinds Energy Education (FEE), “Cancer on the ...Continue Reading - A Million Cancer Deaths from Fukushima Expected in Japan, New Report Reveals

Meditation for Sleep

Meditation for Sleep


01. You & Me (Flume Remix)- Disclosure feat.Eliza Doolittle
02. Follow The Sun - Cool Lads
03. Hold Back The River / Fight For You - James Bay / Jason Derulo
04. Nothing’s Forever - Paces feat. Kucka
05. Do You Remember - Grey Street Kids
06. Always Like This- Bombay Bicycle Club
08. Aerial Love - Daniel Johns
09. I’m Gonna Be (500 Miles)- Hummingbird Tree
10. Sileo - Rhian Sheehan

Here is the release you’ve been looking for! We were completely inspired by the music this round, and the release is absolutely gorgeous. Take a deep breath... there is a lot of modern music. But don’t worry – it’s soft, smooth and utterly beautiful. You will get warm unbelievably fast in the Tai Chi track, but then soften down into full relaxed mode in Track 2.

Then we build you back up in the two Standing Strength tracks, before finding your ultimate edge in the Balances. Warning: this is a BIG challenge. You may need a little humor in this one :) But Track 5 is possibly the most soulful, internal Hip Opener track we have ever given you – our favorite. We simply couldn’t decide who was to teach it this round... so we both are.

Then the usual intense Core tracks with a wonderful challenge in the Back track, followed by some subtle Twists and the calmest-of-the-calm Forward Folds. Anthony Deyn’s voice is like caramel to melt you down. Enjoy and try to replicate! We hope you love this class like we do – thank you. Love Jackie and Diana

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